$50 deposits are due ASAP to secure your spot with the last day of collection being February 28th, 2025. Crystal Parker will reach out to you with regards to roomates and final payments. Please be advised that room costs vary depending on single, double, triple, or quad occupancy and room availability. Price cannot be guaranteed if payments are not recieved by your roommates or if certain Sandy Cove rooms become unavailable. PLEASE BE FLEXIBLE.
Quad Occupancy Starting at $269 per person
Triple Occupancy Starting at $325 per person
Double Occupancy Starting at $399 per person
Single Occupancy Starting at $495 per person
Price includes program, activities, six meals, snacks, and two-night stay in the Chesapeake Lodge.
Transportation is NOT INCLUDED! Each woman must find her own transportation or carpool to Sandy Cove, 60 Sandy Cove Road, North East, MD 21901
For more information, please email crystal@provinggroundchurch.com or checkout Sandy Cove's website